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The overall goal of the Skin Wound Ostomy Certification is to bring the highest level of patient care to the long-term care community, which includes nursing home, hospices and home health patients.
The SWOC® is a designation for nurses, which demonstrate competence in following standard of care in the field of skin, wound, and ostomy care.
The College of Long Term Care administers the SWOC examination to nurses interested in studying best practice guidelines for chronic wound, ostomy, and skin conditions and then testing their knowledge base to qualify as an SWOC. CLTC is the certification body which administers the SWOC Certification exam and conducts oversight of the SWOC Certification process.




The Founder and President of the College of Long Term Care. Dr. Bardia Anvar is a Board Certified General Surgeon and a Physician Certified in Wound Care. Dr. Anvar has written multiple scientific papers in medicine and surgery. Dr Bardia Anvar has presented research on a national level. In addition Dr. Anvar created educational training manuals for surgical residents and has significant experience in teaching medical students, residents, nurses, physician assistants, and physicians.
Dr. Anvar currently manages the Skilled Wound Care practice which focuses on the care of patients in long term care with skin, wound, and ostomy illnesses. Dr. Anvar's vast experience has been documented in the seminal publication: Mastery of Skin, Wound, and Ostomy Care.
Dr. Bardia Anvar is one of the founding members of The College of Long Term Care. He serves on the board of CLTC to provide oversight on the SWOC Certification process. Dr. Anvar provides limited live lectures for CLTC, but directs exam content for the SWOC examination.
Mr. Henry Okonkwo is a Board Chairman, Co-Founder of the College of Long Term Care, and is also a Master Teacher at the SWOC Certification course. Mr. Okonkwo is also the Chief Operations Officer & Chief Clinical Officer for Skilled Wound Care Surgical Group. He has developed many of the lectures and content for the SWOC Certification course.
Mr. Okonkwo is a Surgical Physician Assistant with over 13 years of surgical experience and over 15 years of experience in the practice of medicine. He has managed tens of thousands of patients with wounds of all classifications (acute, chronic, traumatic, surgical, diabetic, pressure, vascular, burns, etc…).
Mr. Okonkwo is a Certified Skin, Wound, and Ostomy Specialist. He has trained and educated over 100's of doctors, PAs, and NPs in the specialty of surgical wound care and thousands of nurses in the field of wound care and documentation.
The creation of The Atlas of Wounds, Ostomy, and Skin textbook and The Wound Atlas Apps are among the many clinical endeavors Mr. Okonkwo has achieved. His passion for medicine, education, and advancement of patient care drives his many projects.
The College of Long Term Care is a diverse body of individuals with experience in the chronic care and skilled nursing facility arena at all levels. Nurses, physicians, and administrators coming together to provide academic informed advancement of patient care through research, education, and public policy. Our Board meets regularly to analyze and discuss new programs and directions for the College.
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3746 Foothill Blvd #B140, Glendale CA 91214